Sandra Murphy
Maryland Licensed Massage Therapist (License #M05068)
Certified Manual Lymphatic Therapist
Certified Lyposagge Therapist
Nationally Certified Massage & Bodywork Therapist (License #609445-11)
Member ABMP
Special Certification Training includes:
- Cupping
- Hot Stone
- Indian Head & Face Massage
- Lypossage
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
- Prenatal
- Reflexology
I am a Certified Manual Lymphatic Therapist, a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist as well as a Maryland Licensed Massage Therapist. I practice integrative massage by combining different massage techniques from various massage modalities which are tailored for every client's needs. I have always had a great interest and strong desire to understand and focus on the "body" aspect of the mind-body-spirit connection. I enjoy all aspects of the holistic world and believe everyone should look beyond the traditional values of Western medicine and begin to incorporate more healing approaches in their lifestyle. I find it essential to connect with the body's natural healing energy and therapeutic touch and manipulation of the body can help the process of healing. The various massage modalities performed will allow your session to be customized every visit in order to facilitate the most beneficial outcome to allow healing within the physical body which in turn opens the body's channels to nurture itself, bringing an increase of positive energy flow.
The most important thing I can offer to all is a mindful and compassionate presence which can facilitate the innate healing ability within each individual and to remind everyone that they have the ability to heal themselves mind-body-soul.
I realize your time is precious and when you decide to take a break from your daily life and demands I look forward to and will feel privileged to be the one to quiet your mind and release your muscle tension in order to help your regain the necessary balance required to return you to a state of wholeness.